Monday, December 31, 2007

so this is the new year.

obligatory end of the year post:

this year has been pretty insane.

i had the best spring and summer i have had in years.


followed by a kind of fucked fall.

but it was really to be expected.

followed by a pretty amazing winter, so far.

things change, or dont.

people change, or dont.

either way, life goes on.

i honestly dont think i would change a thing if i could.

i made some mistakes, but i learned from them.

i met some of the most amazing people in the world.

im positive my life will never be the same because of them, and that is a good thing.

i learned some things about myself, i always do.

i learned some things about others, good and bad.

all in all it has been a productive year, and the good out weighs the bad by a ton.

im ending it happy and optimistic.

resolutions are as follows:

travel travel travel travel.

ride my bike, swim, get in shape.

travel more.

war elephant.

be less slutty.

stay better in touch with friends that need to be stayed in touch with.

travel even more.

get in control/stay on top of my finances.


and thats about it really.

i love you all, thank you for everything.

<3 jason
