Friday, September 25, 2009

Monday, September 14, 2009

hands in pockets

solo hang today.
it was good but,
i think too much.

fall hit like a car wreck, i usually have more time to adapt than this overnight thing that happened. house of tad died, schools back in, my three month jobless vacation has come to an end with a full time job working 40 hours starting tuesday.

i finally saw 500 days of summer today, it was good, although the parallels between it and my relationship with caitlin were pretty staggering. not really a bad thing, it was just weird to think about things i haven't thought about in a long time. it seems like a lifetime ago.

i am not one to complain, anyone who knows me knows that, but periodically i get hit with a crushing wave of loneliness that is hard to deal with. im not depressed, it always passes, just, days like today are emotional.

ive been riding my bike 6 - 10 miles a day, and was lucky enough to score a job at a bike shop. my car is out of commission and the shop is within riding distance so im excited about getting into shape again.

why is it so hard for me to follow through with anything unless its forced on me?

i should write more, im bad at it.

goodnight moon.
