Saturday, January 23, 2010

weird dreams

last night i dreamt that i stumbled into a truck stop bathroom to find a mexican man doing cocaine against a stall door. he offered me some on his pinky nail, i took it, left without using the bathroom and proceeded to drive all night, to an unknown destination, listening to the beegees all the way.

Wednesday, January 20, 2010


i had this weird dream, i was bit by a spider, and all these weird lesions bumped up all over my skin and they looked mad sick but i couldnt go to a doctor because i didnt have health insurance, but no one seemed to notice them so i hoped for the best and waited to see if they would go away. then they went away, but i ran into this doctor guy on the street and casually mentioned it, and he freaked out and got mad serious and told me that i was fine until one of the lesions burst, because when it did it let all of the oxygen out of my blood and my heart would stop unless i got to a hospital within 5 minutes. so everything was cool beans until one day the lesions showed up again, and they were worse this time, all pulsing like in the gremlins movie when they accidentally get gizmo wet, mad gross. so im freaking out and one of the lesions bursts, and starts spraying out like a geyser, so then it became this big dramatic sequence of me trying to stop the spray and get to a hospital but no one would help me get there and it was getting past the 5 minute mark and thats when i woke up.

fuck, what the hell does that mean!?
